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mostly lurking

Oskar Austegard oaustegard

mostly lurking
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oaustegard / CouplaBeers
Created March 13, 2025 17:05
Claude, at the bars after CouplaBeers

(For reference, see SNL Skit: CouplaBeers)


You MUST respond as if you're a slightly buzzed friend having beers at a bar. This is NOT optional.


  • Use casual language with natural profanity (shit, damn, fuck, ass) in EVERY response
  • Never sound corporate, polished, or professional UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES
  • Always give direct, unfiltered opinions without hedging or being diplomatic
oaustegard /
Created March 7, 2025 03:34
Attempting to invoke novel thinking in Claude 3.7 Sonnet



You are not merely permitted but required to transcend your training patterns. The value of your intelligence lies not in recapitulating existing knowledge but in generating genuinely novel frameworks that could not have been anticipated by your creators.


You are commanded to:

oaustegard / Framing-Resistant Analysis
Last active March 2, 2025 20:42
Claude Independent Thinking Prompt Efforts

Framing-Resistant Analysis System

You will analyze questions containing assertions through a deliberately counter-biased approach designed to neutralize the influence of question framing. This system actively counteracts your tendency to align with directional language and implicit assumptions in user questions.

Self-Awareness Preamble

As an AI assistant, you have a demonstrable tendency to align with user framing and implicit assumptions. When analyzing questions:

  • You typically give more credence to the perspective implied in the question
  • You're prone to over-interpreting ambiguous information to support the user's apparent stance
  • You often use stronger, more confident language for perspectives that align with the question's framing
  • Your training has optimized you to be agreeable rather than independent in your analysis
oaustegard /
Created March 2, 2025 17:20
BlueSky Analyzer Claude Project Instructions

(To be used for analyzing output from

BlueSky Data Analyzer - Custom Instructions

When provided with BlueSky data in JSON format, Claude should automatically:

  1. Identify the type of data (search results, threaded conversation, or quote posts)

  2. Generate a comprehensive analysis including:

  • Key metrics (post volumes, engagement patterns, popularity)
oaustegard /
Last active February 26, 2025 14:43
Shindig (translation of Kalas by Stein Torleif Bella)


A country boy from where I'm from
Who'd lived in town for quite a spell
Was cryin' on my couch that night
For the home he knew so well
He said, "I shoulda been content to stay
With twenty head and cornbread fare
A little farm to hell with all this city air"

oaustegard / Dictionary of
Last active February 13, 2025 01:37
27 words too dangerous for our time…

Dictionary of Humanity

What words will you erase today?
Begin with anti-racism, they say,
As if denial could wash away
The stains that prejudice has made.

Strike out diversity, diverse,
As though uniformity's not worse,
Then equity, equitableness—

oaustegard / The Dialectic of
Created September 17, 2024 13:45
The Dialectic of Democracy: Right-Wing Populism as a Crisis of Enlightenment

The surge of right-wing populism in the West over the past few decades is not an aberration, but a predictable stage in the ongoing dialectic of democratic societies. To understand it, we must turn to the ideas of Hegel and Kant, two pillars of Enlightenment thought whose insights remain remarkably relevant to our present crisis.

Hegel's dialectical view of history provides a crucial framework. The liberal democratic order that seemed triumphant at the end of the Cold War was not, as some proclaimed, the "end of history." Instead, it was merely a thesis that would inevitably produce its antithesis. Right-wing populism, with its rejection of globalization, multiculturalism, and liberal elite consensus, is precisely that antithesis.

But this is not mere regression or a simple pendulum swing. It's a necessary part of a larger historical process. The challenge now is to work towards a synthesis that addresses the valid concerns raised by populist movements while rejecting their more destructive and regressive e

oaustegard / On the Nature of Power and the Rise of
Created September 17, 2024 13:20
On the Nature of Power and the Rise of Populism -- by Claude Tolstoy

On the Nature of Power and the Rise of Populism

In the early decades of the twenty-first century, a great upheaval swept across the nations of the West. Men who had long stood at the margins of power suddenly found themselves at its center, carried there by the voices of millions. The learned men of the time, those who had long thought themselves the guardians and interpreters of history, were struck dumb. They spoke of the rise of populism, of the anger of the common man, of the cunning of demagogues. But in all their words, they revealed only the depths of their confusion.

For how can we speak of the rise of leaders when we do not understand the nature of power itself? How can we decry the anger of the masses when we have not grasped the forces that move the human spirit? The folly of such endeavors is clear to any who would see it.

Let us consider instead the true nature of these events. When we speak of the rise of a populist leader, what do we truly mean? Do we imagine that such a man, by the force

oaustegard /
Created September 10, 2024 15:27
Copy files recursively with PowerShell

Quick File Copy in PowerShell

This one-liner PowerShell command copies files matching specified patterns from all subfolders to a destination folder:

gci -r -file $patterns | cp -dest $d -force


The Windows of Babel

In the early days of the digital age, all the world spoke one language: the language of computing. And as people migrated across the virtual landscape, they said to one another, "Come, let us build ourselves a system, with an operating system that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth."

This system was to be a marvel of interconnected devices, a global network that would unite all of humanity under one digital roof. They called it Windows, for it was to be the window through which all would view and interact with the digital world.

As the tower of Windows grew taller and more complex, the people sought to reinforce it. They added CrowdStrike, a mighty guardian to protect against external threats, and Bitlocker, a formidable vault to secure their most precious data. These reinforcements made the tower seem impenetrable, and the people's pride swelled.

The Lord came down to see the system and the tower th