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Last active January 25, 2023 03:50
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Validate and sanatize a user entered DEA Registration ID with PHP
* Validate and clean a DEA Registration ID
* @param string $enteredValue user supplied DEA ID
* @param string $lastname OPTIONAL extended validation requires first letter of users last name to match corresponding character in ID
* @return string|bool returns sanitized alphanumeric DEA Registration ID or FALSE
function cleanDEA(string $enteredValue, string $lastname = '') {
//if a " Supervisee Identifier" was supplied, just ignore it
$parts = explode("-",$enteredValue);
$deanumber = preg_replace( '/[\W]/', '', $parts[0]); // also strip anything that's not a letter or number
$dea = strtoupper($deanumber);
//value should be 9 characters
if(strlen($dea) != 9){
return false;
//First character must be a letter, but not "I","O","Q","V","W","Y", or "Z"
$cannotStartWith = ["I","O","Q","V","W","Y","Z"];
if(in_array($dea[0],$cannotStartWith) || is_numeric($dea[0])){
return false;
//Second character is a letter (from registrants last name) OR the number "9" if registered as a business
if(is_numeric($dea[1]) && $dea[1] !== 9){
return false;
elseif($lastname != '' && strtoupper($lastname[0]) !== $dea[1]){
return false;
$last7 = substr($dea,-7);
return false;
$numberParts = str_split($last7);
$odds = $numberParts[0] + $numberParts[2] + $numberParts[4]; // add the odd numbers
$evens = ($numberParts[1] + $numberParts[3] + $numberParts[5]) * 2; // add the evens and double
$together = ($odds + $evens) % 10; //get last digit of the odds/evens combined
return ($together == $numberParts[6]) ? $dea : false;
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micah1701 commented May 5, 2021



if( !cleanDEA($_POST['myDEAnumber'])){
    echo "The DEA registration ID you supplied does not appear to be correctly formated";
else {
    echo "Thank you for confirming your DEA registration ID.  Enjoy your controlled substances";

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